Computer Science
Cognitive Science
Computer Science
WWU Computer Science
Bongard Problems
Machine Learning
Recommender Systems
Course books
Design Concepts in Programming Languages
. Turbak (2008)
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
. Stevens, Rago (2013)
Introduction to Algorithms
. Stein, et. al. (2009)
Computer Systems: A programmers perspective
. Bryant, O'Hallaron (2011)
Database Systems Concepts
. Korth, et. al. (2004)
Computer Languages
Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
. Attaway (2012)
Essential Matlab for Engineers and
. Hahn, Valentine (2010)
Matlab: An Introduction With Applications
. Gilat (2010)
Building Java Programs
. Reges, Stepp (2011)
Formal Language Theory
Introduction to Functional Programming
. Harrison (1997)
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
. Hopcroft, et. al. (2001)
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
. Luger (2008)
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
. Bishop (2006)
The Elements of Statistical Learning
. Hastie, et. al. (2008)
Pattern Classification
. Duda, Hart, Stork (2012)
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
. Bishop (1995)
GMM notes
Expectation Maximization and Newton's method notes
Logistic Regression notes
Matrix Factorization notes
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
. Luger (2008)
Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations
. Shoham (2009)
Game Theory Notes
. Stanford